Saturday, October 29, 2011

Elle magazine inspired ad photos


Not my best but I had to get this assignment done. I originally planned to shoot an editorial type photo but the weather on my free days was not cutting it for me. Anywho..
One day I hope I will maybe understand how professional retouchers can have so much patience to touch up every little hair on a persons face. For now I just used iPhoto retouch since I don't have photoshop. 
For the most part these are sooc with a little color face or contrast boost. I used this ad for makeup inspiration:  
I set my white balance to tungsten because I used a tiny lil' lamp that was almost like a flashlight. The colors in the photos I took were a tad washed out; I used yellow and purple for my eyes but still kept the pink lip. Obviously, with editing the colors the vibrance was lost. (click on the photo to see better)
I think the second photo is my favorite as an ad. 
The 3rd is another favorite but a little less practical since if it was in a magazine itd have the crease right through the subject. 
I also like the 2nd to last photo just because of the shadow on my face. 
Fact of the day: I really want to invest in better lighting sources!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Self shots are the easiest to take when it comes to carrying out ideas, in my opinion. You can pose the way you see it and bring forth an emotion much faster than with a model. Holding the camera right is always the problem I personally face.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I feel so lost as a photographer. Lately I've been scared to even pick up my camera because of the confidence I'm lacking lately in my work. I'm intimidated by others arround me and I want to just have no restrictions and have total creative freedom. My 145 class's homework, due tomorrow might i add, is to shoot 9 different concepts for a CD cover without using people. But I LOVE shooting people. I have so many ideas but they all involve people so where do I begin? 9? How will I approach this? I guess I have many other ideas but no acess to what I'd shoot my fullest potential on. This makes me lack motivation. Thats where I question my passion. My passion isn't for "Photography" I guess its more so "Photographing people" because if my passion was really for photography I wouldn't be procrastinating this. I want to shoot, but I don't like what I'm shooting. Everywhere I turn people are flaunting their photos. Should I have this attitude as well? How do you just gain confidence!? I want to know. Everyone arround me is so talented and most know where they want to be and what exactly they want to shoot. Most have this awesome equipment and then theres me who has a great camera with a crappy lens taking 1400 pictures with 2 lights on, one lamp, no flash, lights off no lamp one candle, all lights on, no flash, curtains pulled. What Im saying is, I guess I'm just frustrated. I feel a bit confined. And, I'm undereducated. I don't know the full potential of my camera yet. I hope to continue to expand my knowledge taking this course. I hope I can gain confidence and be able to shoot with it. Wish me luck on this assignment :-X